Grace: Give It. Receive It.

I was at one of my leadership events recently and someone was in the front row. She looked familiar, but I couldn’t place where I knew her from. During the morning break, she politely reminded me that she attended another workshop I facilitated four months prior in another state.

I was genuinely embarrassed and disappointed in myself that I didn’t remember who she was. She sensed my embarrassment and empathetically said, “Don’t worry about it! You’ve probably spoken to hundreds, if not thousands, of people since May.” (Which was true.) 

Then she hit me with, “Give yourself grace.”

I felt that.

I am grateful that she said those exact words at that exact time. Give yourself grace. Seriously, how many of us NEED to hear those words today? How many of us need to reflect on those words today? I know that I do.

You mistakenly missed a scheduled call. Give yourself grace.

You said something that offended someone. Give yourself grace.

You relapsed back to a destructive habit that you promised yourself was done with. Give yourself grace.

Don’t get stuck in self-defeat. Instead, genuinely apologize and ask for forgiveness. Then MOVE ON. Not tomorrow, but today. As in right now. 

I’ve learned that the key to giving yourself grace is not remaining stuck in a cycle of self-inflicted anguish.

⭐️Move on. Now. Reset. Now. Refocus. Now. 

We all fall sometimes. The key is to not stay down. Get back up and move on.

Oftentimes, the deepest pain we experience is the one we inflict on ourselves. My prayer today is that grace will be your companion. And as you give yourself grace, be sure to extend it to others.

Takeaway…Grace: Give it and Receive it.

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